4 Easy Steps To Get Your Music Heard On Spotify
It is fair to say that the majority of musicians that want to release their music for the first time have very little idea of how to go about it. This is assuming you do not have a record deal and a label doing a lot of the work for you, of course. Most of you will be indie artists looking to make it on your own in the hope of getting noticed.
The best way to do this in 2021, is to get your music on streaming sites such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon. However, this is not as straightforward as it might sound. These platforms are not like YouTube where just about anyone can create an account and upload content. Instead, you need to follow the following steps.
1. Find A Good Distributor
To get your songs hosted on sites such as those listed above, you will need a good distributor. You have a ton to choose from, and the best can get your music on these platforms quickly. However, we advise that you go for one that works on a subscription basis. Usually, it will cost just $20 per year and you can release as many songs as you like.
2. Make Sure Your Music Is Ready
While you might think that your music is perfectly ready for release, it never hurts to go over it all again. Just run over everything and think about whether it might need some additional audio mastering just to give it that final polish. Once your music is out, it’s out, so do not neglect this important step no matter how many people say your music sounds awesome just how it is!
3. Release Your Music On Spotify Slowly
While you might have a selection of songs to release and it’s difficult to hold back, it is best to release your songs separately in stages. Ideally, you should space them at least a few weeks apart to garner interest and build hype. Somebody that missed your first release will go back to find it once they have heard your second.
And there you have it, three quick and easy steps to getting your music heard on popular streaming platforms such as Spotify. Now you just have to hope that any listeners become followers that are eager to hear what you have lined up next. Just keep creating quality music and you will eventually establish a good following!